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The "Our Lady of the Holy Face Chaplet" features 18 photo illustrations of the Blessed Virgin Mary's
apparitions and icons from various countries on 9 large (Our Father) beads,
highlighted by the image from the Shroud of Turin as the centerpiece and crowned with The Holy Trinity Crucifix.
All illustrations are in full color photo enamel. Each 6MM half crystal/glass garnet colored beads,
representing the blood of Christ, is brushed on one side with yellow symbolizing Light and Resurrection.
The chain, large beads, centerpiece and cross are in silver nickel finish for lasting beauty.
Includes gift box and pouch along with a full color booklet describing the origin of the Chaplet as well as a description of each Blessed Virgin Mary apparitions.
Made in Italy
Item: G08
Count: 1
Price: $37.95
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Call To Order USA: 518-320-8570 Canada: 514-747-0357